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Carrie Mahle
Occupational Therapist
Fruitland Intermediate School

Paige Manchin
Grade 4 Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Andrea Marshall
School Counselor
Fruitland Intermediate School

Jessi Miller
Intervention Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Doris Mills
Food Service Worker
Fruitland Intermediate School

Lindsey Mount
Professional Development Coach
Fruitland Intermediate School

Amira Osman
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Fruitland Intermediate School

Tyler Owens
Grade 4 Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Tara Parsons
Fruitland Intermediate School

Emmaline Pitoniak
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Fruitland Intermediate School

Katherine Price
Speech Pathologist
Fruitland Intermediate School

Kacie Robinson
Grade 3 Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Shannon Rutland
School Nurse
Fruitland Intermediate School

Tori Sample
School Counselor
Fruitland Intermediate School

Richard Schell
Physical Education Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Kara Shockley
Home School Liaison 3
Fruitland Intermediate School

Tawanda Small
Assistant Principal
Fruitland Intermediate School

Madelyn Snipes
Grade 4 Teacher
Fruitland Intermediate School

Michele Stuetz
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Fruitland Intermediate School

Chelsea Tyler
Instructional Assistant II
Fruitland Intermediate School